Trinity River Fishing

Estimated PFMC Fish Returns For Klamath River Basin
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, APRIL 9, 2024

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter, I had the flu and that is why there was not Fish Report. Sorry! The Klamath River Basin Fall Chinook Salmon returns were a little better that estimated but were far from restoring the Salmon runs and the fishery. There needs to be a total review of the restoration program to try and improve...
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River Health Continued
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, MARCH 25, 2024

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

Last week I touched on the health of the North Coast Rivers. I would like to continue on this subject for this week. To begin with I received, by email, a study on Algae, its benefits and how it helps newly hatched salmonoids. The problem is there was nothing about the health affects to animals or humans. As many of...
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Are Our Rivers Healthy?
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, MARCH 17, 2024

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

I hope you had a great St. Patty’s Day and that you didn’t get too Happy. I always like to have at least one Green Beer on St. Patty’s Day and love that corned beef and cabbage. Back in the day we used to call it “a Boiled Dinner”. Lets get back to the subject of “Healthy Rivers”. I have always...
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Winter Weather Turned to Snow
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, MARCH 4, 2024

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

As I started this report it was snowing big snowflakes; the snowflakes have now turned to rain. This storm has really brought in some crazy weather. The total rain for this storm is over three and a half inches of rain and almost one-half inch of snow in the Willow Creek area. I can imagine it brought a lot more...
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More Winter Weather Coming
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, FEBRUARY 26, 2024

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

Just when we think spring is in the air winter hits us in the face. The daffodils are blooming and we have cold weather coming with possible snow. Thei coming week is looking more like winter Steelhead fishing than spring. Here I have been complaining about the warming and all and Mr. weather shows up. The rivers are dropping and...
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Trinity River Restoration Projects / Juntion City
Trinity River Fishing
by E.B. Duggan, FEBRUARY 19, 2024

Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir

Proposed Upper Conner Creek Project: On Friday February 2, the TRRP held an on-site meeting at the Proposed Boat Ramp for the Junction City Campground launching site. There were several TRRP personnel and some people from BLM as well as some guides and a few interested citizens and yours truly. Over all it was a fair representation. Yeah, I believe...
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