Days 93 to 96 on Klamath River
by Scott Caldwell, JANUARY 16, 2024
Klamath River - Upper - CA

It has been quite an eventful time on the Klamath river to say the least. My guys Brad, Jack and Josh were able to have some awesome Winter Steelhead fishing wrapped around some crazy weather and unexpected muddy dam water release.  Days 93, 94 and 95 prior to Jan 11th, were awesome except for day 94. The dam folks decided to open the...
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92 days in row Catching on the Klamath
by Scott Caldwell, JANUARY 7, 2024
Klamath River - Upper - CA

Today, marked day 92 in a row fishing the Klamath River. It has been quite a run of fabulous fishing that started way back in early October. I want to wish you all a happy New Year, and Thank everyone who have fished with me and made my days on the Klamath, as we knew it, Special! I have 3 more trips, which will...
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Merry Klamath Fishmas eve, 75 days catching an counting on
by Scott Caldwell, DECEMBER 23, 2023
Klamath River - Upper - CA

75 day in row catching and releasing beautiful Klamath Steelhead. The Klamath days are numbered, Jan 11 will begin the draw down of Irongate, during this draw down phase the river flow will be 4000 cfs or more. The river currently is flowing around 1000cfs now.  My steady eddy river come Jan 11 will become a big unknown. I am hoping...
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65 days in row of Catching Klamath Steely Smiles
by Scott Caldwell, DECEMBER 12, 2023
Klamath River - Upper - CA

I have often let my pictures speak for me and I will again. 65 days in a row on the Klamath catching Smiles, Steelhead, and enjoying the unique beauty of the river. I only have a few December days left and as many of you know the rivers days are numbered as well. Now is the time give me a...
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December Klamath Steel begins how November Steel finished
by Scott Caldwell, DECEMBER 3, 2023
Klamath River - Upper - CA

October I began fishing the Klamath river and everyday since has been filled with fish, fun and Smiles. The Klamath has blessed me with 56 days in row of beautiful fish catching and releasing action. November Steel finish very strong with some beautiful fish and perhaps the last of cold crisp beautiful fall weather. December has started, and winter has begun as well...
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Come an catch Klamath Steely Smiles while you can
by Scott Caldwell, NOVEMBER 26, 2023
Klamath River - Upper - CA

Today marks 50 straight days on the water. The fish are biting, as they always have for the past 30 years.  This fishery is amazing and it is my life. I've not spent more time anywhere in my life. It is going change. It may happen in January and my steady eddy will be no more, but until it changes, I...
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