100 Percent and Full of Fish!

by Collins Lake Staff
Collins Lake is now 100% full, spilled for a few days earlier this month, has risen again, and is currently spilling a second time. Bass have been active with lots of anglers doing catch & release mostly using lures along the surface. As it starts to warm up in April consider trying roboworms, live crawdads or minnows as the bass begin to stake out spawning grounds. With a full lake there is lots of submerged habitat available for these “warm water” fish to be productive.
Surface temperatures are up to around 56°F, which is still cool enough to keep the trout relatively close to the surface. As we get into April you might see trout drop a bit deeper on sunny days but for now most trout are caught in the top 10ft.
Ashley Bailey caught this 6 3/4 pound rainbow trout on worms as did Eduardo Carranza with his 7.5 pounder. Ashlyn Gann caught her trophy 10 pound rainbow trout trolling a Rapala Minnow in the top 10.
The Delaught family are all smiles having brought in 8 trout caught on green powereggs, including 3 lightning trout!
We’re currently on a weekly trout plant schedule, with the last three plants totaling over 6000lbs. Next week’s plant is scheduled to include more lightning trout and as long as conditions permit we’ll continue on a weekly schedule into the beginning of May. In addition to private plants we have started releases from our net pen program with four pens released over the last two weeks. Pen raised trout are well acclimated and should spread out quickly all over the lake. Below, Brian is holding up a thick 7 1/4 pound fish trolling the shallows.
Hayden & Claudia caught three healthy rainbow trout trolling the surface along the north fork near the bridge. Luis Aldana caught 3 rainbow trout, and Roman Pena is holing up his 2 3/4 pound golden rainbow “lightning” trout caught on green Powerbait below site #210.
Were were lucky to have a couple of fun events on the lake this month including both Rec4Vets who hosted 50+ veterans with 24 volunteer boats and the Junior G.O.A.F.er’s Derby (Get Out And Fish) with more than 80 kids signed up. We are looking forward to April 13th when Angler’s Press will hosting the NorCal Trout Anglers Challenge “NTAC” 2024 Collins Lake event.
Looks like there’s still a bit of rain over the weekend but by Sunday evening the forecast is clear and by Monday sunny with a high of 65°F hopefully good weather for some outdoor fun!
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